Friday, October 9, 2009

playlist of the week.

The weather is icky. I'm basically stuck at home until I have to hang out with family later (which will be epic, I'm sure). So instead of doing what I should be doing, like all my late homework or finally getting around to cleaning my room, I'm doing this. Playlist of the week. I've been listening to a lot of "older" stuff on my iPod that I all but forgot about. I say "older" because none of it is actually old, just stuff I (feel like I) haven't listened to in ages. So here is a worthless list of random music I've listened to this week, possibly never to be listened to again, who knows.

Veni Vidi Vici - Black Lips (I've had the chorus stuck in my head all day)
Beast That You Are (Side A) - Pocahaunted (a seriously good song. download it.)
the latter half of D+'s self-titled album pracically on repeat (that includes Book, Heatherwood, Jaywalker, etc.)
Edan's album, The Beauty and the Beat (kinda like psychedelic rap?)
random Kasabian songs that I haven't heard in forever (Shoot the Runner being one)
No Trust - The Black Keys
and a great deal of John Lee Hooker

Okay, enough useless procrastination. Time to take a nap.

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